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Book Clubs, Movie Nights, and Discussion Groups


#Book Clubs #Connecting to Community #Discussion Groups #Hosting #Movie Nights #Neighbors #Potluck


Alidia Vane

In today’s digital age, fostering connections with our neighbors is more vital than ever. Hosting a book club, movie night, or discussion group with neighbors is a great way to cultivate a sense of community, build connections, and also promote sustainable living. When planning your event, you can choose a theme directly aligned with sustainability, such as watching a documentary about climate change or discussing a book about self-care.

To build a sense of connection with nature, consider hosting your gathering outdoors, whether that’s in your yard, a local park, or a community garden. Be sure to encourage your guests to choose sustainable transportation options to and from the gathering, such as walking, biking, public transportation, or carpooling. If space or transit don’t allow for an in-person gathering, leverage digital platforms like Zoom or Skype for virtual gatherings.

A potluck is a great way to offer a variety of foods while promoting cross-cultural exchange, strong community ties, and a deep sense of gratitude. You can model sustainable living to your guests by featuring vegetarian, vegan, organic, or locally-sourced meals. In addition, instead of single-use plastics, serve food in reusable glasses or cups, and provide easily-accessible locations for guests to recycle and compost food scraps.

After each gathering, take time to reflect on what went well and ask your guests for feedback. Use these reflections to plan future events that are even more engaging and sustainable. By continually refining your approach, you’ll create gatherings that strengthen community bonds and serve as strong examples of sustainable living for your neighborhood.

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