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Laundry Detergent

A laundry detergent pod is held up in front of a laundry machine


#Cleaning Supplies #DIY #Laundry #Natural Remedies #Sustainable Home


Taylor Heagler

Did you know that only 30% of plastic laundry jugs get recycled? On top of store-bought detergent coming in plastic bottles, they are often made of chemicals like sulfates, fragrances, and phenols that end up polluting our water system. To create your own detergent, all you will need is 1 bar of your favorite soap (ideally homemade too), a cup or a cup and a half of washing soda, one cup of baking soda, one fourth of a cup of Epson salt, and half of a cup of powered citric acid. Cut the bar of soap into grated pieces (you could use a food processor to speed up this process). Once the soap is cut up, bring the rest of the ingredients together and mix in the food processor again. Be sure to keep the detergent in an airtight container!

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  • Over 30 million loads of laundry are done annually in the United States. Approximately how many million laundry jugs are discarded annually just in the United States alone?

    100 Correct. 400 incorrect, but it feels like this could be true. 750 incorrect, but it feels like this could be true. 900 incorrect, but it feels like this could be true.