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Encourage the “Green” Vote

A cardboard sign reads "Change the Politics, Not the Climate"


#green leadership #politics #shared values


Nefertari Bilal

GiveGreen is a platform that helps donors see and select candidates who will act to change, create, or support legislation on climate change. Users can filter candidates by the state they live in, office they are seeking, priority of races, election year, and more. Knowing who is working on behalf of both the human and non-human life in your area to support a healthy ecosystem leads to more sustainable choices being made at the policy level.

As a component of your efforts it is important to advocate for leaders who will support reporting and regulation on emissions. Another resource is Ballot Ready, via the Definition link below, who’s mission is to “…provide transparent information. By aggregating democracy’s data from every level of government and making it actionable via accessible products, BallotReady works to enable all constituents to fully participate in civic life.”

Additionally you can consider volunteering a little time and energy in the form of “signal boosting” by sharing your support of candidates you believe will support sustainable measures with your community, or gathering petition signatures, and even donating some funds if possible.

  • Action
  • Definition