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Dr. Sasha Kosanic

Dr. Sasha Kosanic smiling in front of a light grey wall


#climate change #Community Health #Disabled Voices #Figures in Sustainability #Scientists


Taylor Heagler

“My aim is not only to fill in the gap in scientific research but also to inform policymakers and activists on what should be done next in order to better understand climate change impacts on disabled populations.” – Dr. Sasha Kosanic

A professor at the Liverpool John Moore’s University, Dr. Sasha Kosanic is a former Paralympic athlete and physical geographer teaching at the School of Biological and Environmental Sciences. She takes an interdisciplinary approach to answer questions on climate change and its impacts on nature and societies. As an inclusive education advocate, Dr. Kosanic organized a “Researchers with Disabilities in the Academic System” panel at the 2028 American Association of Geographers. Her main research focuses on how the change or loss of cultural ecosystem services can impact human well-being, especially for the most marginalized communities, such as the disabled, youth, and indigenous individuals.

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